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Gallery:   Judaica
Frame:   unframed
Year:   1995
Media:   Limited edition print on archival paper
Solomon Ben Judah Ibn Gabirol, the tenth century Spanish poet and philosopher wrote, "The World Is A Tree, and Man Is Its Fruit." This eloquent thought joined with the first words of the `Etz Hayyim' ("The Torah Is A Tree Of Life..."), from the Sabbath morning liturgy, were the inspiration for` The Tree Of Memories'. I have chosen this immense tree as a metaphor for the collective memories of the Jewish people because memories, like a living tree, are continually evolving, and must be kept alive; they are essential to our physical and spiritual survival. Beneath powerful branches sustaining our ancestral legacy, a mysterious figure, wielding a great quill, chronicles this continual evolution of events, ideas and memories in a book whose pages preserve the past, remind us of our present duties, and illuminate the future for generations yet to come. Edition limited to 200.
Dimensions::   20 x 16
Price::   100.00

Tree Of Memories